Friday, April 1, 2011

Street Team!

Back in the day, before everyone knew how to use the internet, "indie" bands (as they came to be known) had to depend upon the kindness of strangers to spread the word about their music.

Basically, they would get fans to sign up to be a part of their "street team."  These fans would then be tasked with promoting the band in their particular neck of the woods.  When the band came to town for a show, the street team would put up fliers, often sent to them by the band itself.  When a new album came out, the street team would do whatever they could to make sure people knew about it.  Stickers often came into play.  Sometimes there were patches

These street teams were like an advance squad, sent to lay the ground work for the coming force.  And the success of that force could often times be directly connected to the success of the street teams.

I've decided that I need a street team or, more specifically, that "Pray" needs one.

I've managed to live in a few different parts of the country over the span of my life, and I've manage to make some friends who have moved to even more parts.  Were I an international man of intrigue, I would say that I have a network of spies set up around the country.

My hope is that these kind souls -- and anyone else who might be interested -- will decide they'd like to help me out, that perhaps the cause of promoting "Pray" is a worthy one.

So if you're interested, let me know, either here or on Facebook.  I probably can't offer anything besides my undying gratitude and perhaps a few freebies.

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